Khairul Amri Assidiq , Hermanto Hermanto , Baiq Handayani RinuastutiDOI:
Vol. 10 No. 1A (2021): JMM Januari 2021Articles
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Halal tourism development in Lombok has been increasing the number of visitor. Successfully applied in various sectors, one of them in halal tourism. Setanggor Tourism Village is a form of tourism development through the concept of halal tourism. The main purpose of this tourist village is a rich blend of interesting, traditional art of culture and religion, meaning is presented in the form of synergy between the feel of a quiet rural community with a distinctive local cultures. This tourist village a lot of progress since the establishment Pokdarwis in 2016, where development is most visible in terms of halal tourism quality of programs tourist attraction. Pokdarwis is in charge of organizing the thing of development of tourist attractions which are managed by the local community. The Pokdarwis role was seen in the process of design creation, and implementation, and management of halal tourism activities, including the people that the eventualities of some stakeholders is that further strengthens the existence of Setanggor Village to improve the identity of halal, tourism.References
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Author Biographies
Khairul Amri Assidiq
Hermanto Hermanto
Baiq Handayani Rinuastuti

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